As The Verge reported, both @mazkewich and self-titled App Store critic @keleftheriou have noticed the return of the “Report a Problem” feature in the App Store. It’s a feature that, as @keleftheriou points out, previously was removed to allegedly “…avoid paper trails & liability.” But it’s finally coming back. The resurrected option should appear in an app’s App Store listing, towards the bottom, underneath “Privacy Policy.” The Verge recalls that tapping on it used to exit the App Store and send you to a separate website to report any issues. And if you wanted to report a scam (what Apple called a “quality issue”), you had to have already purchased the app in question. When you tap the option now, it still re-directs you to another website, and you have to verify yourself with your Apple ID passcode. From there, you can select various problems from a drop-down menu, including requesting a refund and reporting a scam/fraud. The “Report a Problem” feature is limited to the US for now (possibly limited to iOS 15, too), as several users in other countries have noted its absence on their App Store. It also will only appear for apps that you’ve installed (free or paid), so if you’re suspicious of an app, you’ll have to download it before attempting to report it. Thus far, Apple has not indicated when the feature will be returning to other regions.