Editing the Windows Registry

Here’s how to change the font in Windows 10. The font change will take effect after you restart Windows.

Windows 10 Font Limitations

This method will change most fonts in Windows 10 but won’t adjust all of them. You may notice elements of the interface that don’t change, such as the Windows Start Menu font. It’s not possible to change these types of fonts in this version of Windows. You may notice errors in text formatting after performing this change. The good news is these errors are infrequent. The bad news is they’re not fixable.

How to Restore the Default Windows 10 Font

Want to restore your font to its default settings? You can also do this by editing the registry. Follow the steps above, starting at step 3. Place the text below into Notepad instead of the text found in step 4. This text will restore the default Segoe UI font across Windows 10 after you run the registry file.