How to Configure the Spring-Loaded Folder Delay

The setting for spring-loaded folders is found in System Preferences on the Mac.

Spring-Loaded Folders

Spring-loaded folders offer a simpler way to move files between folders, as they don’t require opening multiple instances of Finder. With spring-loaded folders, you can click and drag a file over a destination folder, whereupon the folder opens to display its contents. You can quickly and easily drill down through folders to locate a specific folder for your file and then let go of the mouse to commit the file to the chosen destination. The amount of time the mouse pointer must hover over a folder before it springs open is governed by a user setting.

Spring-Loaded Folder Tips

If you’re traversing multiple folders you can speed things up by holding down the spacebar when your cursor highlights a folder. This causes the folder to immediately open with no wait for the spring-loaded delay. If during mid-move you decide you don’t want to move the item to a new location, you can cancel out of the spring-loaded move by moving the cursor over the original item location.