How to Copy Google Calendar Events

With Google Calendar, you can maintain multiple calendars at once through a single Google account. It’s easy to copy Google Calendar events from one calendar to another, and you can even merge them all into one unified schedule. Copying all events from one Google Calendar into another requires you to export the calendar first. Then you can import the calendar file into a separate calendar.

How to Copy, Move, or Duplicate Google Calendar Events

Instead of copying a whole calendar full of events, you can move individual events between your calendars as well as make copies of specific events.

Tips for Copying, Merging and Duplicating Google Calendar Events

Copying just one event to a different calendar might be useful if you want to share the details of an event with a group of friends. Sharing events this way avoids showing all of your events on the shared calendar. If you want to merge a whole calendar with another one, you are better off copying the entire calendar of events into a new or existing calendar rather than moving every single calendar event one by one. Duplicating an event can be helpful if you want to make a similar event without having to create all of the details from scratch. Copying an event is also useful if you wish to the same or similar events in multiple calendars.