How to Create a New Desktop on Windows 11

Virtual desktops are managed through the Task View function in Windows 11. In addition to managing virtual desktops, Task View also provides an overview of all the apps that are grouped under your current desktop. Here’s how to create a new virtual desktop on Windows 11:

How to Remove a Virtual Desktop on Windows 11

Virtual desktops are useful for grouping different sets of apps for different purposes, but those purposes aren’t always permanent. When a virtual desktop is no longer needed, you can remove it through the Task View function. Here’s how to delete a virtual desktop when you’re done with it:

What Are Virtual Desktops in Windows 11?

The desktop is the main workspace of your Windows 11 computer. It’s made up primarily of a taskbar where you can run and switch between apps, and the desktop area where you can place files, folders, and app shortcuts. The default Windows 11 configuration includes a single desktop for each user, but it also allows a user to create additional virtual desktops. The virtual desktops that you can create in Windows 11 work a little differently from the way each Windows user has their own unique desktop. When you create a virtual desktop, the files and shortcuts you have stored on the desktop don’t change. You can change the background wallpaper of individual virtual desktops, but they’ll all still have the same folders, files, and shortcuts.

Why Make a Virtual Desktop in Windows 11?

The main purpose of a virtual desktop is to separate your apps. For example, if you’re currently working on multiple tasks that use different apps, you can separate out your apps based on task and have one desktop devoted to each task. You could also have one desktop that’s dedicated to work, another dedicated to games and leisure activities, a desktop that only has your social apps, or whatever works for you. Since it’s so easy to make and delete desktops in Windows 11, you’re free to make one whenever you want it, for whatever reason you need, and then delete it when you’re done. Virtual desktops remain even after shutting down your computer though, so you can keep them around in the configuration that works best if you do find them useful.