The d3dx9_30.dll file is one of many files contained in the DirectX software collection. Since DirectX is utilized by most Windows based games and advanced graphics programs, d3dx9_30.dll errors usually show up only when using these kinds of applications.
D3dx9_30.dll Errors
There are quite a few different ways a d3dx9_30 DLL error might show up on your computer, such as:
D3DX9_30.DLL Not FoundFile d3dx9_30.dll not foundThe dynamic link library d3dx9_30.dll could not be found in the specified path [PATH]The file d3dx9_30.dll is missingD3DX9_30.DLL is missing. Replace D3DX9_30.DLL and try againD3dx9_30.dll not found. Reinstalling might help fix thisMissing component d3dx9_30.dllThis application has failed to start because d3dx9_30.dll could not be found
The error could apply to any program that utilizes Microsoft DirectX, but it’s most commonly seen with video games. The error typically appears when the software program is started. Occasionally, these errors will display after a game is loaded but right before gameplay begins. Some common games that have been known to generate such errors include Medieval, Resident Evil, EverQuest, Splinter Cell Double Agent, ArmA: Armed Assault, World Series of Poker, Company of Heroes, and more. In non-game applications, the error message might appear before certain advanced graphics features of the program are used.
How to Fix D3dx9_30.dll Errors
Follow these steps in the order they’re given below to try the more likely fixes first.
Need More Help?
If you don’t want to fix this problem yourself, see How Do I Get My Computer Fixed? for a full list of your support options, plus help with everything along the way like figuring out repair costs, getting your files off, choosing a repair service, and a lot more. The d3dx9_30 DLL error might be a fluke or one-time issue, and a simple restart could clear it up completely. It’s unlikely this will fix the problem, but restarting is always a good first troubleshooting step. Sometimes, though not often, the version included on the disc is a better fit for the program than the latest edition available online. If the DLL error in the game or other program explains where the d3dx9_30.dll file needs to be, you can manually copy it from your extraction and put it right where it should go, which should fix the error.