How to Connect to a Hotel’s Wi-Fi

Access your hotel’s internet in much the same way you connect to any Wi-Fi network: After you submit your authorization information, you gain full guest access to the hotel’s Wi-Fi network. You’ll likely see a confirmation screen showing how much time you have to use the internet. Keep an eye out for any time limitations so that you can schedule your work and take advantage of the Wi-Fi service.

Share the Hotel Wi-Fi Signal With Other Devices

If your hotel’s wireless service isn’t free, you may only be able to access the internet from one device. A travel wireless router, such as the ZuniConnect Travel IV, extends the Wi-Fi signal to several devices.

Secure Your Information Over Hotel Wi-Fi

Most hotel wireless networks are password-protected and encrypted with strong WPA2. If your hotel’s network is not protected, be aware of the security risks of using an unsecured network. Set up a firewall and install the latest updates for your operating system and antivirus. For extra security, consider subscribing to a VPN service.