Is There a Skill to Make Alexa Say What I Want?

The easiest way to get Alexa to say something is to use the built-in Simon Says skill. Just say “Alexa, Simon says” followed by a phrase. Alexa will repeat what you say word-for-word. For example:

“Alexa, Simon says, How many planets are in our solar system?”

Instead of answering the question, it’ll just say, “How many planets are in our solar system?” You can also add Alexa skills like Text to Voice, which allows you to type phrases you want Alexa to repeat into a web browser.

How to Set Up Alexa Text to Voice

Follow these steps to set up the Alexa Text to Voice skill:

Make Alexa Say What You Want With Routines

Another option is to create a routine that makes Alexa say a phrase whenever given a specific command. Here’s how: Alexa will say the custom phrase when you give the command. For example, in the example above, saying “Alexa, good morning” will trigger the response “Good morning Robert. Have a great day.”

Why Can’t I Get Alexa to Say a Custom Response?

If you have Alexa parental controls set up, Alexa will not repeat profane language or anything that sounds like profanity. When Alexa has trouble understanding you, restart the device and check your internet. Most commands won’t work if your Alexa device is offline, so make sure it’s connected to Wi-Fi.