How to Report an Accident

The following instructions assume you already know how to use Apple Maps. You can report an accident directly in Apple Maps on your device. However, you can also use Siri or CarPlay if you’re driving.

Using Siri and CarPlay to Report Accidents

If you’re driving, a safer way to report an accident is to ask Siri to report it or use the CarPlay display in your vehicle if you have one. Siri is by far the easiest option. To report one from the main Map screen, tap the circled “i” in the top right corner. All you have to do is say, “Hey Siri, there’s an accident here,” or “Hey Siri, there’s something blocking the road.” Siri will do the rest for you. If you’d rather report an accident on your CarPlay display while getting turn-by-turn directions, tap the Report icon, which looks like a speech bubble with an exclamation point in it. From there, you can tap Accident, Hazard, Speed Check or Roadwork.

What Happens When You Report an Accident?

If you come across an accident on the road while using Apple Maps in your vehicle, you can report it within the app. Once reported, Apple will evaluate the accident (taking into account reports from other drivers) and then potentially label it for everyone to see on the app. Other drivers will then receive a notification as they approach the location.

Clearing Accidents

If you receive a notification in Apple Maps about an accident but don’t see anything on the road, you can tell the app the accident has been cleared. The easiest way to do this is by using Siri to say, “Hey Siri, the accident has been cleared.” Or, if you’d prefer to do it from your device or CarPlay map, tap the label and then tap Cleared. If the accident happens to be there still, you can alternatively tap Still Here.