How to Turn Off Breathe Reminders in watchOS 3 Through watch OS 7
Follow these steps to deactivate reminders if your Apple Watch has the Breathe app. These instructions use the Watch app for iPhone, but you can find the same options in the Settings app on the Apple Watch.
How to Turn Off Mindfulness Reminders in watchOS 8 and Later
In watchOS 8, Apple renamed the Breathe app to Mindfulness. The process for silencing the newer Mindfulness app is also easiest through the Watch app for iPhone, but the instructions are the same in the Settings app in watchOS.
Can I Customize My Breathe Reminders?
If you’re not ready to completely get rid of the Breathe or Mindfulness apps, you can also make them prompt you less often. To make this adjustment for Breathe, open the Watch app on your iPhone, and then go to Breathe > Breathe Reminders and choose how many reminders you want per day (between one and 10). For Mindfulness, use the iPhone Watch app and tap Mindfulness > Add Reminder, and then set the time you want to have your breathing session. Select Repeat to choose which days you want the notification to occur, or uncheck all options to make the reminder a one-off.
What Triggers the Breathe Notification on Apple Watch?
Unlike the Apple Watch’s Stand notification, which activates if the device hasn’t sensed you moving around in the first 50 minutes of an hour, the Breathe notification depends on triggers you set ahead of time. The Breathe app reminds you to take a break every four hours by default. The Mindfulness app scales it back a little and prompts you at the start and end of each day. You can add more or fewer notifications if you prefer, or you can use various methods to turn them off altogether.
How Do I Turn Off Breathe Reminders?
You can turn off reminders for Breathe and Mindfulness through the Watch app on your iPhone. The instructions are slightly different based on which version of watchOS you’re running, determining which of the two apps you use.