How to Set up Waze on Android Auto

Waze on Android Auto is a limited version of the app, in which you can use voice commands to navigate while driving, but not to send traffic and incident reports. You also can’t adjust settings, add or edit Favorites, share your location or route, or use any of the social features. First, make sure you have the most up-to-date versions of the Android Auto and Waze apps, then check your Waze settings to ensure they’re to your liking, including routing preferences and navigation voice.

Add a Work or Home Destination in Waze

Consider inputting your home and work address to simplify voice commands, especially if you drive to work:

How to Use Waze While Driving

Whether you’re using your smartphone screen or a touchscreen console in your car, Waze for Android Auto works the same. You’ll receive visual and audio alerts about what’s ahead on the road, such as traffic, construction, or an accident. Use voice commands to start and end navigation, answer and make calls, and more. To use Waze with Android Auto:

“Take me home.““Navigate to Union Square, New York City.““Directions to the Waffle House.““Navigate to work.““Drive to 188 Main St, Burlington, Vermont.”