No luck in finding others who share your woes? That’s your clue that the problem is most likely on your end. These troubleshooting tips can help you uncover what’s going on.

Are all wires and cables properly plugged in between devices? Is anything blocking internet signals? Is your Wi-Fi connection working properly? Is the internet modem displaying any error messages? Is your home or neighborhood electrical service working?

Sloppy connections. Indicator lights will tell you if a cable box is properly plugged in and functioning. Battery issues in your remote control. Manually turn on your TV and cable box, then use the remote to turn it off. If it doesn’t work, replace the batteries and try again. Input issues. If you’ve recently used the TV to play a DVD or get some gaming in, you might just need to change the Input back to TV. A poor HDMI connection.

Confirm other electrical devices aren’t creating problems with the modem: Is it located too close to computers, monitors, appliances or other electrical devices? Try rebooting your modem. Try rebooting your cable box.