How: Firmware for the Hub should have been patched automatically. Why Do You Care: If you use Phillips Hue lightbulbs and the Hue Hub, you’ll want to make sure it’s updated to the latest version. Phillips patched its Hue Hub firmware on Wednesday, addressing a long-standing vulnerability that security researchers at Check Point Software discovered and reported to Phillips a few weeks back. The vulnerability let hackers connect to Phillips Hue smart lightbulbs and, in addition to being able to change color and brightness, could install malicious firmware that would allow them to connect to your home network if the bulb was deleted and re-installed on the network via Hue Hub. Your Hue’s own firmware should already have been automatically updated if your Hub is connected to the internet. You can check the Phillips Hue app on your smartphone to make sure it has been updated, as well. According to Engadget, any Hue bulbs made after 2018 do not contain the vulnerability, but it’s probably good to check your app for firmware updates nonetheless.