Protect Your Yahoo Mail Account with 2-Step Authentication

To add a second layer of authentication to protect against suspicious log-in attempts:

About Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA), also called two-step authentication, is a security protocol that requires two methods to gain access to an application or program. For example, your bank’s website might require more than a username and password; you might also be prompted to identify a picture that you chose previously to prove that you are who you claim to be. Alternatively, some sites such as Yahoo require authentication on a separate device, such as your phone. This extra layer of security is for your protection.

How Secure Is Your Email at Yahoo?

The Yahoo Mail service checks the password when somebody logs in to an account; it also looks at the location and computer from which the attempt is made. If one looks suspicious (for example, a login from a device you’ve never used before), Yahoo can require more than the password, but only if two-step authentication is enabled. When two-step authentication is enabled, you must enter your password and a code sent to your cellphone.